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37 Ways to Invest for High Yields While We Wait for the Fed to Move

37 Ways to Invest for High Yields While We Wait for the Fed to Move: A Comprehensive Guide

As investors, we are constantly seeking ways to maximize our returns, especially during periods of low interest rates set by the Federal Reserve. Waiting for the Fed to make a move can be frustrating, but it doesn’t mean we have to sit idly by. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 37 ways to invest for high yields while we wait for the Fed to act.

High-Yield Savings Accounts

One of the simplest ways to earn a higher yield is by opening a high-yield savings account. These accounts offer interest rates significantly higher than traditional savings accounts, allowing your money to grow faster.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

CDs offer fixed interest rates for a specified term, ranging from a few months to several years. By locking in a rate, investors can earn higher yields than they would with a savings account.

Money Market Accounts

Money market accounts combine the features of checking and savings accounts, offering higher yields than traditional savings accounts while allowing limited check writing privileges.

Online Banking

Online banks often offer higher yields due to lower overhead costs, making them an attractive option for investors seeking high returns.

Continue reading below for more ways to invest for high yields while we wait for the Fed to move…

5. Peer-to-Peer Lending

Through peer-to-peer lending platforms, investors can lend money to individuals or businesses in return for interest payments.

6. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

REITs allow investors to purchase shares in estate/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>real estate properties, offering potential for high yields through rental income and capital appreciation.

7. Dividend-Paying Stocks

Investing in dividend-paying stocks can provide a steady stream of income while also offering potential for capital appreciation.

8. Dividend Aristocrats

Dividend aristocrats are companies that have increased their dividends for at least 25 consecutive years, making them a reliable option for income-focused investors.

9. Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)

MLPs are a type of partnership that invests in energy infrastructure, offering potential for high yields through income generated from the assets they own.

10. Closed-End Funds

Closed-end funds are investment companies with a fixed number of shares, allowing investors to buy shares at a discount and potentially earn high yields through capital appreciation.

1Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

ETFs offer a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or commodities, making them an attractive option for investors seeking high yields with minimal risk.

1Index Funds

Index funds offer broad market exposure and low fees, making them an excellent choice for investors seeking high yields through long-term growth.

1Mutual Funds

Mutual funds offer professional management and diversification, allowing investors to earn high yields by pooling their resources with others.

1Corporate Bonds

Corporate bonds offer higher yields than government bonds due to the added risk of investing in a corporation.

15. Municipal Bonds

Municipal bonds offer tax-exempt income, making them an attractive option for investors seeking high yields while reducing their taxable income.

16. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)

TIPS offer protection against inflation, making them an attractive option for investors seeking high yields while hedging against rising prices.

17. Savings Bonds

Savings bonds offer a fixed rate of interest over the life of the bond, allowing investors to earn high yields while reducing their taxable income.

18. Bond Ladders

A bond ladder involves investing in a series of bonds with different maturities, allowing investors to earn high yields while maintaining a steady stream of income.

19. Laddered CDs

Similar to bond ladders, laddered CDs involve investing in a series of CDs with different maturities, offering high yields while providing flexibility to reinvest funds as they mature.

20. I Bonds

I bonds offer a combination of fixed and inflation-adjusted interest rates, allowing investors to earn high yields while protecting against inflation.


Annuities offer a steady stream of income for a specified period or for the remainder of an investor’s life, making them an attractive option for those seeking high yields and income security.


Gold offers potential for high yields through price appreciation, making it an attractive option for investors seeking to diversify their portfolio and hedge against inflation.


Similar to gold, silver offers potential for high yields through price appreciation and can serve as a valuable hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.


Platinum offers potential for high yields through price appreciation and serves as a valuable hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty, making it an attractive option for investors.

25. Palladium

Palladium offers potential for high yields through price appreciation and serves as a valuable hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty, making it an attractive option for investors.

26. Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, offer potential for high yields through price appreciation, making them an attractive option for investors seeking to diversify their portfolio.

27. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT
37 Ways to Invest for High Yields While We Wait for the Fed to Move

I. Introduction

In today’s economic landscape, characterized by low-interest rates and uncertainty, investors are increasingly seeking high yields to maximize returns on their investments. The

Federal Reserve (Fed)

, the central banking system of the United States, plays a crucial role in setting monetary policy and influencing interest rates. The current economic situation can be attributed to various factors, including

global economic instability


trade tensions

, and

geopolitical risks

. These factors have led to a decline in bond yields, making it challenging for investors to generate sufficient income from their fixed-income investments. Consequently, they are turning to alternative investment vehicles that offer higher yields, such as

real estate



, and other non-traditional assets.

The Federal Reserve, established in 1913, is responsible for the formulation and implementation of monetary policy in the United States. Its primary objective is to maintain price stability while promoting full employment. The Fed uses several tools, including open market operations, discount rates, and forward guidance, to influence short-term interest rates and control the supply of money in the economy. In response to the global financial crisis in 2008, the Fed adopted an unconventional monetary policy known as quantitative easing, which involved purchasing large quantities of securities to inject liquidity into the financial system and lower long-term interest rates.

As a result, we find ourselves in an environment where low-interest rates persist, making it difficult for income-focused investors to meet their financial objectives. With bond yields at historical lows and stocks exhibiting heightened volatility, the search for alternative investment opportunities with attractive yields has intensified. This trend is likely to continue until there are significant changes in the economic and geopolitical landscape or the Fed alters its monetary policy stance.

The Role of Alternative Investments in a Low-Interest Rate Environment

In this context, alternative investments have emerged as a viable option for income-focused investors seeking higher yields. Alternative investments can include various asset classes such as

private equity


real estate


hedge funds

, and


. These investments offer a degree of diversification that traditional fixed-income securities may not provide. Moreover, alternative investment strategies can generate returns through various means such as

capital appreciation



, and


. In a low-interest rate environment, alternative investments can play an essential role in helping investors meet their income objectives while preserving capital.

I Conclusion

In conclusion, the current economic climate featuring low-interest rates has led investors to explore alternative investment opportunities that offer higher yields. The Federal Reserve’s role in setting monetary policy and influencing interest rates is crucial to understanding the environment’s broader context. As investors navigate this landscape, alternative investments can serve as a valuable component of a diversified portfolio. However, it is essential to remember that each investment comes with its unique risks and potential rewards. Thorough research, careful consideration, and professional advice are necessary when exploring alternative investments.

37 Ways to Invest for High Yields While We Wait for the Fed to Move

Traditional High-Yield Investment Options

Stocks with high dividend yields (> 3%)

Dividend Aristocrats: These are companies that have demonstrated their commitment to shareholders by increasing their dividends for at least 25 consecutive years. Some well-known Dividend Aristocrats include Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, and Procter & Gamble. Their consistent dividend growth makes them attractive to income-focused investors.

REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)

Another high-yield investment option lies in REITs, companies that own and operate income-generating real estate properties. REITs provide a steady stream of income through rent payments, often yielding higher returns than traditional stocks. Real estate sectors such as apartment buildings, commercial offices, and shopping malls are popular choices for REITs.

Corporate Bonds with high yields (> 3%)

Corporate bonds can also offer high yields as an alternative investment opportunity. Junk bonds, which are below investment-grade bonds, carry higher yields and increased risk compared to investment-grade bonds. These bonds may be issued by companies with lower credit ratings or a weaker financial profile. However, they can provide attractive returns for investors who are willing to accept higher risk.

Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)

To hedge against inflation, investors may consider Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), which are government-issued bonds that adjust with inflation. By indexing the principal of the bond to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), TIPS provide investors with a hedge against rising prices, ensuring that their purchasing power remains constant.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

Lastly, Certificates of Deposit (CDs) offer higher yields for longer maturities. These are fixed-term deposits that provide a guaranteed return upon maturity. By locking in a specific interest rate for a certain period, investors can earn a higher yield compared to traditional savings accounts or money market funds.

37 Ways to Invest for High Yields While We Wait for the Fed to Move

I Alternative High-Yield Investment Opportunities:

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and Marketplace Lending

Alternative investment opportunities continue to emerge, providing investors with various ways to earn attractive returns. One such avenue is Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and Marketplace Lending, platforms that connect borrowers with lenders directly. These platforms offer attractive returns for investors due to their unique business models, which bypass traditional financial institutions and cut out the middlemen.

Platforms that connect borrowers with lenders

By investing in loans issued through these platforms, investors can earn yields higher than those offered by traditional fixed-income securities. It is crucial to understand the risks and rewards of P2P lending, including the potential for defaults or losses, as well as the opportunity for higher returns.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Another high-yield alternative investment option is Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). REITs are companies that own, operate, or finance income-generating real estate. There are several types of REITs with specialized focuses:

Mortgage REITs

Mortgage REITs invest in mortgages and mortgage-backed securities instead of physical property. They generate income by collecting interest payments on their mortgage loans or the sale of mortgage securities.

Healthcare REITs

Healthcare REITs focus on properties related to healthcare, such as hospitals, senior housing, and medical offices. These REITs provide investors with exposure to the growing healthcare sector while generating steady income from rental payments.

Data center REITs

Data center REITs invest in data centers used to house computer systems and servers for businesses. With the increasing demand for data storage and processing, these REITs offer investors an attractive yield and exposure to a growing industry.

Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)

Another alternative investment option is Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs). MLPs are investment vehicles that allow limited partners to invest in income-generating businesses and enjoy tax advantages. MLPs typically operate in the energy sector, focusing on activities like natural gas production, transportation, storage, or processing.

Business Development Companies (BDCs)

Business Development Companies (BDCs) are investment companies that provide long-term financing to small and medium-sized businesses. They offer attractive yields through debt securities, making them an alternative investment option for those seeking high returns.

5. Closed-End Funds (CEFs)

Closed-End Funds (CEFs) are investment companies with a fixed number of shares that trade on an exchange. They often offer higher yields due to discounts to net asset value, making them an attractive option for value-oriented investors.

6. Dividend Growth Stocks

Another high-yield investment option is Dividend Growth Stocks. These companies have a history of increasing their dividends year-over-year, offering both growth and income potential for investors.

7. Covered Calls and Options Strategies

Lastly, Covered Calls and Options Strategies allow investors to sell call options or write covered calls on stocks they already own. By generating additional income from their existing investments, investors can enhance their total returns and further diversify their portfolios.

37 Ways to Invest for High Yields While We Wait for the Fed to Move

Cautions and Risks Associated with High-Yield Investments

High-yield investments can offer attractive returns, but they also come with significant risks that investors should be aware of. These risks are often greater than those associated with lower-yielding investment options.

Increased volatility and higher risk

The primary risk of high-yield investments is increased volatility and higher risk. Stocks, real estate, or alternative investments like Private Placements, Peer-to-Peer lending, or Closed-End Funds (CEFs) can provide higher yields but are more susceptible to market fluctuations. Investors should be prepared for potential losses and understand that their principal may not be guaranteed.

Liquidity risks, especially in alternative investments

Another major risk is liquidity risks, particularly with alternative investments. While these investment types may offer higher yields, they can be more challenging to sell quickly and for a fair price, especially during market downturns or periods of economic instability. This lack of liquidity can make it difficult for investors to access their funds when they need them, potentially causing financial hardships.

Interest rate sensitivity and inflation risks for some investment types

Interest rate sensitivity and inflation risks are significant concerns for certain high-yield investment types, such as bonds and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). When interest rates rise, the value of fixed income securities can decline, causing losses for investors. Additionally, inflation can erode purchasing power over time, making it important for investors to consider the potential impact on their investments when considering high-yield opportunities in these areas.

Tax implications of high-yield investments

Finally, investors must consider the tax implications of high-yield investments. For instance, dividends from stocks are subject to both ordinary income taxes and, in some cases, a separate dividend tax. Capital gains taxes can also apply when selling appreciated assets or stocks. Understanding these taxes and their impact on investment returns is essential for maximizing the net return from high-yield investments.

37 Ways to Invest for High Yields While We Wait for the Fed to Move


In today’s low-interest rate environment, investors are seeking high yields to meet their financial goals. In our previous discussion, we explored thirty-seven ways to invest for high yields. These included investing in high-yield savings accounts, bonds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), dividend stocks, peer-to-peer lending, and more.

Summary of the 37 ways to invest for high yields during a low-interest rate environment

We emphasized the importance of considering various investment opportunities and not relying on a single strategy. Whether it’s through high-yield savings accounts, bonds with longer maturities or higher credit risk, alternative investment vehicles like REITs and peer-to-peer lending, or actively managing your portfolio through dividend stocks or index funds, there are numerous options available to investors.

Encouragement to consider diversifying across multiple investment types to minimize risk and maximize potential returns

However, it’s important to remember that no single investment strategy is without risk. One of the best ways to mitigate this risk and maximize potential returns is through diversification across multiple investment types. By spreading your investments across different asset classes, geographic regions, and sectors, you can potentially reduce overall risk while maintaining the opportunity for growth.

Importance of conducting thorough research and due diligence before investing in any new opportunity

Before making any investment decisions, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and due diligence. This includes examining the underlying fundamentals of an investment, understanding the risks involved, and considering your personal financial situation and goals. By taking the time to do your homework, you can make more informed decisions that align with your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Encouragement to consult a financial advisor or tax professional for personalized advice and recommendations

Lastly, it’s always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional before making any significant investment decisions. These professionals can provide personalized advice and recommendations based on your unique financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. By working with a trusted advisor, you can potentially maximize your returns while minimizing risks and ensuring that your investments align with your overall financial strategy.
